Adam Long’s sculpture, Come What May, has been accepted into the Missouri Art Now traveling exhibition as part of the state’s bicentennial celebrations in 2021. 60 artworks by 60 artists from across the state were chosen to have their work shown at 5 venues. Follow Adam on Facebook for updates.
Exhibit venues:
Arts Council of Southeast Missouri in Cape Girardeau (March 5-27, 2021)
The State Historical Society of Missouri in Columbia (April 9-May 15, 2021)
Post Art Library and Spiva Center for the Arts in Joplin (May 29-July 17, 2021)
Hannibal Arts Council in Hannibal (July 23-September 6, 2021)
Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art, Saint Joseph (September 17-November 7, 2021)